Saturday 26 October 2013

Baby LED light suit halloween costume.. -WHAT TO THINK

This video, the stick man, the little giggle, and the laughing parents makes me think a LOT
of different ideas.

That is the cutest thing that you could ever set your eyes on, a real live STICK-FRICKIN'-WOMAN.
The parents are laughing at their own kid, and it almost seams like a laugh of, not that it's cute and funny, but they are 'torturing' her with the fact that she doesn't know what she looks like.
LED lights are the best. Period.

So, so this far I have kept my bargain... it's been what... 3 days? Yeah, I'm doing alright.

Wednesday 23 October 2013

When I think

When I think about 'blogging', you know, some content for people of the internet group-ees to read and laugh at, it makes me feel good.
You know, like, that I am actually fulfilling what I had in my mind that I would do.
But as you KNOW, that kind of thing never really (ever) happens.. at all.
So, I decided, that next time I go to out; into town, beach, for a walk or something of the likes, I will do my best to take 2 photos, no less, and post them on here regularly.
Because, if I take photos on my phone, I can instantly upload them to a post, and any 'editing' can be done when I get onto my little white laptop!!!
SOOOO, with all that said, I will try and start doing that ASAP, and if I can manage to keep doing it, and you all like viewing the little short posts, I will reward you (and myself in a way) with proper posts on legit 'argument, fashion shoots, interesting doing's, and other random things that take more than 3 minutes to post up.
(basically a way of saying to you that I am really lazy and anything that may take more than 5 minutes is an effort and you should feel privileged to have me take the time out and devote it for you visual entertainment)
Well, I FEEL like I should feel bad about something.... but nevermind.

Visual candy to some soon, so stay tuned!

This photo has no relevance to this post, but the fact that I will try and post words AND photos.