Monday 14 March 2016

DAY 4-5 the weekend came and went

Because I post this on a Monday, it has given me time to reflect and think about the weekend and put it into the best words I can for your reading eyes.

So my wonderful husband works local, but often gets the option to fly out and work away. We were all ready to go to Queensland for one of his working trips when he got informed that he would in fact be flying all the way to Darwin.

How exciting?  Also how scary,  thia meant that baby and I wouldnt be able to join him, and so for 5 weeks we will be skyping and missing each other a lot.

So the post of this weekend is just a few photos of my baby and my man, the two most amazing people in my life.

Friday 11 March 2016

DAY - 3

As a new mum (okay, like 3 months ago), an achievement becomes something, that would otherwise be a very very mumdane chore, it is now a huge thing, you feel the need to tell everyone about it, like you just won the Nobel Prize, and people should be proud of you! 

Like, after a week of yucky drizzly damp weather (it barely rained but the air was damp), my washing was looking pretty darn bad, and Eleanor was running out clothes.
The sun barely shone for half the afternoon, but it was humid as ever and, yup,  you guessed it, I got 3 loads of washing done!

I feel like someone needs to praise me. It is sure a strange thing what being a wife and mother does to your brain, how it alters your thinking and view on just about everything!

Needless to say, the washing pile is just as big as ever, and I dont feel bad.

Instagram: moeleemolly
Snapchat: moeleemolly
Twitter: moeleebymolly

Wednesday 9 March 2016

DAY - 2 Lunch date with Bub + Hubby

It is an overcast day, but yesterday we made plans to go out for lunch and so as a motivational/just do it kind of vibe, we still went out.
We had a beautiful wood fire pizza at the local berry patch, and a very creamy ice coffee.
Oh and the company was sublime!

DAY 1 - What I want to do

I want to get fit again and feel healthy the way I use to, but keep saying to myself that I haven’t got the time, I haven’t got the equipment and that I haven’t got the motivation.
That is all a big joke.
I have the time, I have one, three and a half month old baby who actually sleeps a lot, and will quite happily lay on the bed or floor for twenty minutes while I do a few reps in the kitchen. She even waits patiently while I change her nappy,  but half way through get side tracked by trying to organize her room (which she doesn’t even crawl around in and pull things out yet, but wow, it is so messy!).
And equipment? Wow that is bad, I have my own flabby body weight, and I have some nice 3-5 kg pumpkins from my garden hanging around, I can lift them, even better I can lift my 8kg baby!

And the whole motivation thing, well, that is just comes down to the good old never-get-it-done me, the procrastination-er. And the fact that for 2 years I ate quite healthy, never let my eyes decide how much I was going to eat, had some damn self-control over buying snacks when grocery shopping, and I planned my meals; makes me feel even worse for having ‘no motivation’ because, I know very well that I can do it, I did it before, I can certainly do it again! And while I’m on the subject of motivation, this whole post is about pretty much just that; actually doing something, instead of thinking about it. I will go for a walk, doesn’t matter how I try and talk myself out of it; I will do a blog post every day, even if I think I have nothing to write about, someone out there might find it interesting. And of yes, I will read books, they were always fun when I was a teenager, why now do I find scrolling through the same posts on facebook everyday fun, or on twitter, or Instagram? Every time I think about how often I do that, I kinda feel sick.

So I’m not going to think about all the amazing things I can be doing, I’m going to do them. Starting with this post, and starting with A fifteen minute work each day, Monday to Friday. And no more snack foods, cause really, does anyone feel amazing after eating a whole tube of Pringles (guilty!)? No, I didn’t think so.
Hmm, I might even video what I eat each day, and the workout I do. Scrap that.
I AM doing that!

Let’s follow each other, and encourage each human to be the best they can be!

Instagram: moeleemolly
Snapchat: moeleemolly