Friday 11 March 2016

DAY - 3

As a new mum (okay, like 3 months ago), an achievement becomes something, that would otherwise be a very very mumdane chore, it is now a huge thing, you feel the need to tell everyone about it, like you just won the Nobel Prize, and people should be proud of you! 

Like, after a week of yucky drizzly damp weather (it barely rained but the air was damp), my washing was looking pretty darn bad, and Eleanor was running out clothes.
The sun barely shone for half the afternoon, but it was humid as ever and, yup,  you guessed it, I got 3 loads of washing done!

I feel like someone needs to praise me. It is sure a strange thing what being a wife and mother does to your brain, how it alters your thinking and view on just about everything!

Needless to say, the washing pile is just as big as ever, and I dont feel bad.

Instagram: moeleemolly
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Twitter: moeleebymolly

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